In exchange for Ripple Mobile Arts allowing my child (“Child(ren)”) to participate in activities (“Activities”) I agree to the following:
1) Identification of Risks. I understand my Child(ren)’s participation in the Activities may involve risk of injury and loss both to person and property.
2) I also understand the risk of injury to my Child(ren). I understand this Waiver and Release is intended to address all risks arising out of or relating to my Child(ren)’s participation in the Activities, including risks created by actions, inactions, or negligence on the part of Ripple Mobile Arts or its representatives, and that these risks, may include, but are not limited to, risks created by the following:
--The failure of Ripple Mobile Arts or its Representatives to foresee or to protect me or my Child(ren) from actions, inactions, or negligence of any person, or the recklessness, intentional, or criminal misconduct of persons other than those affiliated
with Northwood Christian Church; and
--The lack or inadequacy of policies, rules, regulations, or supervision for the
-- The inadequacy or unavailability of medical facilities or treatment.
-- Activities.
-- Equipment.
3) Assumption of Risk. On behalf of my Child(ren) and myself, I assume all risks, known and unknown, foreseeable and unforeseeable, in any way connected with my Child(ren)’s participation in the Activities, and I accept personal responsibility for any liability, injury, loss, or damage in any way connected with my Child(ren)’s participation in the Activities.
Release and Waiver
1) On behalf of my Child(ren) and myself, I release Ripple Mobile Art's and its Representatives from any liability, and waive any claims, for liability, injury, loss, damage, or expense, including attorneys’ fees, in any way connected with my Child(ren)’s participation in the Activities, whether or not caused in whole or in part by the negligence or other misconduct of Ripple Mobile Art's or its Representatives (a “Claim”).
2) Indemnification. I agree to indemnify and to hold harmless Ripple Mobile Art's and its Representatives from any Claim or expense, including attorneys’ fees (including the cost of defending any Claim I might make, or that might be made on my behalf, that is released or waived hereby), in any way connected with a Claim.
3) Binding Effect. This instrument shall be binding upon my Child(ren), relatives, next of kin, personal representatives, heirs, beneficiaries, and assigns, and me, and inure to the benefit of Ripple Mobile Art's and its Representatives.
4) Medical Treatment. I authorize Ripple Mobile Art's and its Representatives to provide my Child(ren), through medical personnel of their choice, customary medical assistance, transportation, and emergency medical services should my Child(ren) require such assistance, transportation, or services due to injury or damage related to the Activities. This does not impose upon Ripple Mobile Art's or its Representatives to provide such assistance, transportation, or services.
5) Sever ability. If any provision of this Waiver and Release is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceable. shall not otherwise affect any other provision of this instrument.
6) Applicable Law. This instrument shall be governed in accordance with the law of the State of Indiana.
The use and condition of Ripple Mobile Art’s premises, facilities, and
7) Voluntary Participation. I understand and confirm that I am voluntarily allowing my Child(ren) to participate in the Activities.
Studio Rules
Adults are responsible for all children who accompany them at all times.
Children must be prepared to respectfully participate in group activities.
Please treat the learning space, materials and staff with respect.
Children's Information, Caregiver Information, Registration Policy, Waiver & Studio Rules Acknowledgement: *
By signing below, you are agreeing that the Children's Information & Caregiver Information provided is accurate and that you read the Waiver and Studio Rules. Additionally, only in the case of event cancellation by Ripple Mobile Art's will fees be refunded.
My information below indicates that I agree to all of the above provisions regarding my family’s and caregiver's participation in the program.